Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Obamacare might well be imploding


From the article:

The law requires every American to have coverage by sometime early next year, although the administration keeps changing its mind about the precise date. But failure to have coverage by whatever date it eventually decides would result in a $96 fine for individuals and $285 for families. But extracting fines without giving people viable purchase options will generate even more outrage against a law that a majority of Americans already dislike.

Given the technological problems alone since Obamacare's launch (if you can call it a launch), this program is heading for a monumental crash, in my opinion. I'd be willing to bet my Obamacare fine (since I'm not enrolling in the system and not going to pay the fine) that the tech problems, lack of actual enrollments and rising public sentiment against this will bring it down. And you better believe that the Obama regime will pull out every dirty trick in the book to keep this monstrosity alive.

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