I know the headline above sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. Despite the alleged freebies being offered through Obamacare and Obama's constant pandering to everyone under 30, that generation's self-centeredness will not bode well for Obamacare's future.
Take a look at this link:
From the article:
It’s important to keep in mind that experts believe that to be
viable, an exchange needs to have 100,000 participants. If the glitches
continue, it could discourage people from applying. The bigger question
for the program’s sustainability is not just how many people apply, but
who applies and how that could affect the risk pool.
Roughly 40 percent of enrollees in the exchanges will need to be
young and healthy so that they can offset the cost of covering sicker
patients and those with pre-existing conditions. Those with extremely
high medical expenses are the most likely to endure whatever technical
hurdles arise and keep trying until they’re able to successfully enroll.
But those who are more ambivalent — the young and healthy with low
medical expenses — could get discouraged. That would have disastrous
consequences for the law.
a look at the second paragraph. A lot of us "old folks" (I'm in my
early 40s) decry the selfishness of today's younger generation, but that
same age group--the one that Obama has constantly pandered to since
2008--isn't going to deal well inconvenience, much less getting screwed out of their money, their jobs (oh wait, there aren't any jobs...) and their future.
You've probably seen news stories the past couple days about the utter disaster among various Obamacare signup websites that have been overwhelmed by the online traffic from people trying to sign up. As of this writing, I've had this image sitting dormant in another browser window for nearly three hours:
Today's under-30 crowd doesn't want to wait for commercials to end, much less sit around for three hours so they can give their health care dollars (remember, this age group as a whole has fewer health problems than anyone else) to the government with no obvious return on their money. I'd be willing to be a buck or two that this group will be the most likely to opt out because of the inconvenience and lack of return on their Obamacare dollars. And without them, the Obamacare train wreck will come to a much-deserved end.
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